Choosing between a sunrise and sunset timelines is all about what you need for your day.
Sunrise won’t work for every couple and Sunset isn’t the perfect fit for every location. So this will be a helpful guide to help you decide which fits your day and personality the best!

Think of your location and determine what works best for that location!
Sunrise is a favorite option for a popular locations! Emerald Bay is a high traffic spot during normal hours, its an easy hike and a beautiful view which guarantees less parking and massive crowds almost year round, however if you make it there before sunrise you can have the parking lot to yourself and limited crowds for a few hours!
If the just us experience of your day is a priority, then a Sunrise slot might be the better option!
Sunrise is an awesome option, you can start a first look and couples portraits at blue hour and sunrise! Then start your Ceremony while still in golden hour, its a little shorter in the morning but no less glorious! After the Ceremony have brunch!! Pop a bottle of champagne and celebrate love with mimosas and your favorite brunch menu!

3am Alarm clocks not your idea of a good time.
I get it Sunrise isn’t for everyone, during different seasons that can put the start time at 5am or earlier to get ready or start the hike! So if mornings aren’t your jam then we don’t have to start your wedding day that early! An afternoon start time maybe a better option with Ceremony and couples portraits closer to sunset and golden hour! It may mean the great lighting is a little longer, but the crowds are a little larger!
Enjoy watching the sunset during your adventure and enjoy blue hour!
Sunset is beautiful and starting with a first look around lunch sets you up perfectly for couples portraits around golden hour! The longer your day of course the more options you have, it also gives us more time to find and hike to locations where you still get the more private elopement experience! We will want to give time to make sure we get to the perfect spot at the perfect time!

Sunrise elopements mean you could take a NAP!
Depending on your day you can definitely schedule in time to head back to your hotel or airbnb and take a nap. Use it as an opportunity to change your outfit or just enjoy time together before we continue the adventure!

Sunset means you get to sleep in late and enjoy the morning!
If you have a longer schedule for your elopement you can still start pretty early, have photos taken of your morning routine with the love of your life. It would be similar to getting ready photos but more documentary. Enjoy quiet moments together before the start of your adventure. The day is yours to do exactly what you want and nothing that doesn’t fit!
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